Save your marriage.
Have Fun While You Do It.
And Get Most Of Your Money Back When You Do It.
1. Get on the same page about everything: Money, sex, parenting, boundaries etc.
2. Learn how to talk about anything and create greater emotional closeness.
3. Create more trust, passion and excitement.
Imagine having your own marriage coach that knows you and walks you step by step through the process and then gives most of your money back just because you follow the program? It's unheard of! But that's what I'm doing.
Quick Overview
Season 1 - The Custom Marriage Makeover. (12 Episodes of marriage awesomeness.)
Live Monthly Coaching via Zoom meetings.
Daily (every other day) strategically designed texts and emails to keep marriage top of mind.
Podcast, webinar, and video library.
$110.00 month subscription.
You get $100.00 back when you complete the Money Back Marriage Activities and complete "The Love Report."

I know you like to watch Netflix! Now you can watch a whole season of "Design and Build A Custom Marriage!"
Episode 1 - Attitude and Trajectory: Align to the new custom-built-marriage paradigm. A whole new world opens up!!
Episode 2 - Goals: Strategy and exercise and principles or creating marriage goals that bring you closer together.
Episode 3 - Roles and Expectations - Spouse 2.0: The custom marriage starts with a custom spouse - YOU!
Episode 4 - Assuming Good Intent: The power of connecting is in getting in the heart and head of the other person.
Episode 5 - Killing Criticisms: Differences of opinion and preference will happen. Dealing with those differences make or break you.
Episode 6 - Fencing Conflict: Mastering the dialog when differences and opinions are shared in a way that creates closeness.
Episode 7 - Defining and Accepting Reality: Paradoxically creating change when you finally accept reality.
Episode 8 - Communicating with the Desired Outcome In Mind: Brining up issues and maximizing the outcome of change.
Episode 9 - Disarming Landmines: No more hashing and re-hashing. Resolving issues for good.
Episode 10 - Sexual Intimacy - For Women: No matter how you slice it, Sex is going to be an issue in marriage. Make the most of it.
Episode 11 - Sexual Intimacy - For Men: Men need a different perspective to help them create more closeness and passion in the relationship than they think. This is specially designed for men.
Episode 12 - Marriage Rocket Rails: How to keep your marriage on track. I will show you a special program to make it super easy to maintain the momentum and changes you've made so you don't slide back from all the progress you made. $2400.00 Value

Emil Harker MS LMFT
EmilHarker.com | 240 N. East Promontory Suite 214 Farmington Utah 84025 | 801-543-2120
Copyright 2021. All Rights Reserved